+91 798 425 3097 business@pixelbyt.com

Augmented reality (AR) combines live video with computer-generated images, sounds, videos or GPS data. Unlike virtual reality (VR), which immerses the user in an entirely digital environment, AR blends digital content with the real world. Markers can be anything from a small image to an actual city skyline. They can also be tied to geographic coordinates, as the immensely successful Pokémon GO AR game does.

As a business tool, AR apps have been used in marketing efforts, brand awareness, and promotional giveaways. Other uses involve game development or as an information tool that integrates with other applications like maps.

Our AR developers have a wide range of technical proficiency and can build a variety of high quality AR solutions for both consumer and enterprise projects.

Revenue Booster

The AR industry is predicted to hit global revenues of $90 billion by 2020, not just matching VR but overtaking it by a large margin. Of course, a lot of this turnover will be generated by applications in the related industries.

Key Elements

Augmented Reality apps merge the real world with extra data, so they’re a powerful branding opportunity. The element of fun encourages consumers to download, so they’re open to marketing messages and “gee whiz” functionality.

Target Audience

The possibilities are numerous: entertainment, healthcare, real estate, retail and marketing, education, military, travel and tourism, automotive, industry/manufacturing, fashion, music. AR is business booster!


Augmented Reality has been proven to increase engagement, boost safety, speed completion of tasks and greatly reduce errors. Our team helps you strategize the perfect approach, and guides your solution every step of the way.


We’re not just developers. We create the technology itself.

Our clients demand the most powerful, professional augmented reality that exists.

In addition to our services, PixelByt’s full-time research and development team ensures that clients like you are powered by the most cutting-edge solutions available.


AR is streamlining entire industries.

Augmented Reality has been proven to increase engagement, boost safety, speed completion of tasks and greatly reduce errors. Our team helps you strategize the perfect approach, and guides your solution every step of the way.


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